
I'm Allison, aged 23 years (24 Korean), newly wed, and living and teaching in Cheonan, South Korea. This is a blog about all the new food I try, the places I travel to with my husband, Patrick, teaching stories, and things I do to keep busy in this new country.
My intended audience: family, friends, and fellow English teachers, future and current.
Contact info: Ehlers510@missouristate.edu <email me with questions or comment on my posts!

Ten things you need to know about me:

1. I like to laugh and smile. I think I'm good with sarcasm (for example: my about me photo collage, classic!) My husband is the best when it comes to making me laugh. *Classic Pat.

2. I'm very artistic. I can't imagine a life without art. I think my number one fear is going blind because of all the beautiful things I would miss. You can find me with a paint brush and canvas whenever I have spare time.

3. I spent nine years attending a private grade school, St. james, then moved to public education for a grand four years at Liberty high school. Another five years spent (literally $$) on college at Missouri State University and I plan to spend the rest of my life in school after Korea. I am certified to teach kindergarten through twelfth grade art and I cannot wait to land my first art teaching gig. ^^

4. I've got a great group of family and friends to count on.

5. People say I have the patience of Job.

6. I believe I can change a child's life with art, or at least make them happy for the day.

7. I'm a Capricorn.

8. I met Michael Bublé.

9. I like to live in Gangnam style!

10. I might be a crazy cat lady.

Kitten photo credit Mad about Cats

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